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Prices of services
HR Management
Introductory consultation on setting up services 1 hour FREE
Price of the project is individual according to the scope of work for the client.
Consultation on mediation by phone (up to 15 min) FREE
What will it bring you? Explanation of the purpose of the meeting, possibilities of mediation, answers to your questions, etc.
Price of the Mediation 1.200 CZK per hour for each party (for each hour started)
+ travel reimbursements outside Prague and Pilsen
The first meeting with the mediator ordered by the court
Remuneration in the amount of CZK 400 for the first meeting with the mediator, for each hour started.
The amount of remuneration for the first meeting with a registered mediator ordered by the court is set out in Section 15 of Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 277/2012 Coll., On examinations and remuneration of the mediator.
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