RleflerovaAug 263 min8 reasons WHY prefer mediation to court proceedings Can't you agree on fundamental issues with a business partner or a colleague at work about their competencies? Try mediation!
RleflerovaMay 17, 20224 minHR Management in Aviation – How is it different from other sectors?Is there the same human resource management in airlines as in other companies or is it a different profession? A lot of people think that...
RleflerovaMar 23, 20224 minSmart Restructuring in SMEDo you also think that you are somehow managing it at this time? And you don't want to hear about restructuring? Somehow, we can do it......
RleflerovaFeb 22, 20223 minOnline mediation – how to use it?Co dělat, když nejsme schopni se domluvit, ale potřebujeme vyřešit konflikt a nemůžeme se potkat osobně? Může pomoci online mediace.
RleflerovaFeb 8, 20222 minHR Manager in a small company - How to employ an expert?A full-time job may not always be the best solution when you need to have a good HR Manager in your small company. Recently, I see a lot...
RleflerovaJan 25, 20224 minMediation as a way to resolve conflicts Někdy se prostě stane, že se s někým nejsme schopni domluvit a máme konflikt – v rodině, ve firmě nebo na pracovišti.
RleflerovaSep 16, 20212 minWhat do skydiving and conflict solving have in common?For the third year, I have been showing people the way out of conflict as a professional mediator, but resolving the conflicts of others...