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8 reasons WHY prefer mediation to court proceedings

Can't you agree on fundamental issues with a business partner or a colleague at work about their competencies? It really annoys you and you know you have to do something about it. But you don't want to go to court at all. What to do with this? Try mediation! Here are 8 reasons to do it.

1. It is up to you to decide whether to go for mediation.

Even if you agree with the meeting with a mediator, it is up to you whether you attend it voluntarily. You can leave it at any time and resolve the situation by other means, such as through a court.

2. You can choose a mediator.

You can choose a mediator on the website on the list of registered mediators maintained by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic or on the website where you will also find out more information about mediators.

3. Your information is safe.

The mediator has a duty of confidentiality. And you can be sure that your situation will not be discussed other than with the other party in the mediator's office. This allows you to focus on resolving the situation.

4. You influence the course of mediation and its outcome.

At the beginning of the mediation, the participants in the mediation describe their view of the situation and try to find the cause of the problem. Then the parties, with the help of a mediator, look for solutions until they choose the best for both parties. If one of the conflicted parties does not like something, he/she can suggest another solution. In the extreme case, they can also terminate mediation.

The result of a successful mediation is usually a written mediation agreement - the conflicted parties are responsible for its content and participate in it together.

5. You can often maintain reasonable relationships after mediation.

Mediation solves the essence of the problem. And by proposing solutions to the situation to the conflicted parties, they focus more on the future than on consolidation of the past. Relationships in the family or neighbourhood or business cooperation are thus usually disrupted by mediation less than by long litigation and can often be re-established or improved.

6. You save time with mediation.

Mediation solves not only the factual aspects of the problem with which the conflicted parties come to mediation, but also relationship issues, which ultimately prove to be essential for solving the problem. And most of the time the court doesn't know you (and can't know them) and so it doesn't deal with them. This allows you to find the root of the problem quite quickly and start looking for a solution. The whole process of resolving a dispute can thus be managed in a significantly shorter time.

7. You pay less for mediation.

Mediation is significantly cheaper than court proceedings - not only by the level of rates of individual tasks, but also by the fact that it lasts a shorter time.

8. If necessary, you can also attend a mediation meeting online.

If the participants in the mediation prefer online meetings for various reasons, and both agree on this, it is possible to arrange a mediation meeting in this form as well.

Although mediation is highly successful (60-80% depending on the type of dispute), it cannot resolve all disputes. Sometimes the relations between the conflicted parties are so strained that at least one of the conflicted parties concludes that it does not want to resolve its situation through mediation, but prefers a solution through the court.

In the event of failure to reach an agreement through mediation, it is always possible to proceed to a judicial solution.

Would you like to go to mediation?

You can contact me by phone +420 737 234 142 or by e-mail:

Do you want to know more about mediation?

I am looking forward to meeting you!

Renata Leflerová

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